It’s Time to Start Spying on Your Competition

No matter what industry you may be in, keeping an eye on what your competition is doing should always be a part of your business strategy. Without doing a little digging, how else would you know what your business is up against? These days, the internet and social media make “spying” on your competitors extremely […]

How Your Business Can Survive Facebook’s New Algorithm

If you haven’t already heard the news that’s been buzzing in the marketing industry, Facebook has updated its algorithm, again. This time, the update will affect what content is shown in users’ newsfeeds from businesses, brands, and media outlets. The updated news feed is designed to surface content that is best performing amongst a user’s […]

Digital Marketing 101: Digitize Your Direct Mail

In part three of our blog series, we’re going to explore direct mail. You may be thinking, aren’t we covering digital marketing in this series? Yes! We’re going to discuss how to bring your traditional mail pieces into the digital era. pURLs To really catch your recipient’s attention, it’s important your mail piece be customized […]